Senior Year Vol. I
This marks the end of the first two weeks of school. Unfortunately some things never change, when it comes to those dreaded free time moments in class, i still sit there by myself or standing just wishing time could go by faster. My favorite class is World Lit., but just because of the people in it. I love the kids most are either from my English class last year or kids who i already get along with. Yet my least favorite teacher is my English teacher, I guess there is always a downside. She is new, and replaced my favorite teacher when he left. I know this year is going to be so tough, yes it is an honors course but the things she expects are way to high. My entire class is fed up with her, she also gets very loud and starts to argue, when one of us speaks out. I think maybe it is because she is intimidated by us, when it comes to my class, not just English but graduating we are very stubborn and outspoken.